Monday 12 September 2011

Week 1

A Stylist’s Life – Week 1

Welcome to A Stylist’s Life!  In this series we will follow a sim through a career or profession without me using any cheats (seriously, this is proving VERY hard for me!).
 The first career is the Stylist Profession!
Let’s meet our Sim - Megan Monroe. 
Traits – Artistic, Charismatic, Friendly, Perceptive and Photographers Eye.
Lifetime Wish – Fashion Phenomenon (of Course!)
Megan lives in Riverview.  She bought this beautiful little cottage (The Little Sunflower Cottage by Linsiminaus Big hugs!! – download & Rec here
After buying this amazing little cottage, Megan starts with a grand total of 510 simolians.
So, first things first!  Lets get that career on the go!  Megan joins the Stylist Career at Level 1 – fashion Fledgling.  Megan has 1 day off before starting work.

As we all know simmies are a nosey sort and some neighbours soon showed up to see who the new girl in town was.  Please say hello to Nympadora Tonks and Meadow Carpenter – Rhodes.
Megan set to work preparing Brunch for her guests.
While they discussed how clean Megan’s Home was, now there’s a plus!
Not having enough room for her guests to sit, Megan invested in a picnic table for the garden.
Nymphadoria told ghost stories as dusk settled.
After everyone had finally left.  Megan settled down for her first night’s sleep in her new home.
Monday arrived along with 140 simolians worth of bills to pay.
Realising that she may need to generate some simolians Megan spent the morning tending to her little garden.
Then off she went on her little scooter to the Sidewalk Art Gallery.
Not having the funds for an easel or drafting table.  The gallery allowed Megan to work on her painting skill for free.
This amazing lot is the Sidewalk Art Show by Pyliathesunelf. Hugs!! Download & recommend here -
After a day of gardening and painting, Megan settled down to bed anxious about her first day of work in the morning.
Megan awoke early.  She prepared (and burnt) waffles for breakfast.
All too soon it was time for her very first assignment.  Megan ran all the way to the salon, filled with excitement.
And there he was, Don Lothario.  After a bit of chit chat and a long discussion about fashion.  Megan invited Don over to the Styling Station to discuss his new Swimwear.
Hmm, yes I see what you mean – Yellow really doesn’t suit your skin tone.
So here is the finished result!  A nice pair of trunks in green and black.
He wasn’t very impressed.  However he did let her take a photo for her portfolio.
With no more clients scheduled.  Megan headed to the Art Gallery to work on her painting some more.
With no more clients scheduled.  Megan headed to the Art Gallery to work on her painting some more.
She ran to work as fast as she could.  Her next client was already waiting at the salon.
Client number 2 was Nymphadora Tonks who needed new shoes.
Megan wasted no time in getting the job done.
Nympadora’s old shoes…
And her new shoes.
Nymphadoria was very pleased with her new footwear and allowed Megan to take a picture for her portfolio.
With no more clients, Megan headed home and had Lunch.  Reaching level 2 cooking.
That night Megan dreamt of her future as a stylist.  She hoped she could make it.
End of Work Day 2:
 376 Simolians
Fashion Design Portfolio – 5% Complete
Not having the money to hire a maid, Megan spent the time before work cleaning her little home.
Just as she was leaving for work, the toilet broke.  Not having the money for a repairman, Megan is going to have to learn the Handy skill!  But first, work calls.
Her client today is Henry McGlum who needs new swimwear. 

As Megan tried to persuade him that heels were not a good look for the poolside a fight broke out in the salon between Robert Newbie and Harry Cooper.
Megan swiftly moved Henry away from the brawl and to the styling station.
Here is Henry’s new look!
And he loves it!!
However he would not let Megan take a photo for her portfolio so she boo’d him out of the salon.
So with no more clients – again!  Megan heads of to the gallery and continues painting.  Megan reaches Painting level 3 before heading home to bed.
End of Work Day 3:
 482 Simolians
Fashion Design Portfolio – 5% Complete
Megan awoke complaining about a bad nights sleep in her cheap bed. 
Also, having not done it the night before, the toiled needed unclogging!
At the salon she decides to chat to Jebidiah Wilson while she waits for her fist client.  He was quite offended when she started complaining how little money she had!
Finally her client arrives.  Sherman Bagley who wants Stylish Sleepwear.
Apparently he wanted heels.  What is it about those red stiletto’s?
After another disappointing day at work, Megan headed off and finished her haystack painting at the gallery which she sold for 110 simolians.
While Megan tended her garden
And paid yet another set of bills!
I bought her a new bed.  Just to keep her from complaining about not sleeping properly!
End of Work Day 4:
 340 Simolians
Fashion Design Portfolio – 7% Complete
After a good night’s sleep in the new bed – thankfully!! Megan headed of for her client of the day, Nellie Spenster.
Megan was really excited as Nellie had requested a whole new wardrobe.  But when Megan arrived Nellie had some bad news.  Something had come up and she had to cancel.
Megan sat in the salon reading.  Her only client cancelled.  Surely someone needed a makeover?
Then she saw her.  Hope Carpenter.  Celeb level 1 Hope was a long shot but Megan was not going to end the day without giving someone a makeover!
After a lot of chatting and sweet talk.  Megan finally persuaded Hope to get a complete makeover.  And managed to reach celeb level 1 herself in the process!
So, here is Megan’s 1st complete makeover…
First she livened up Hope’s hairstyle and added some soft make up.
New Everyday…
New Formal…
New Sleepwear…
New Athletic…
And new swimwear.
Unfortunately, Hope was not impressed and found the whole experience quite a bore!
Megan headed home after another disappointing day.  As she slept soundly Larry Cooper peered through her window before running off into the night.
End of Work Day 5:
 395 Simolians
Fashion Design Portfolio – 7% Complete
Megan welcomed her days off as she prepared breakfast the next morning.   After a bad week at work she was looking forward to a couple of days getting to know Riverview and its residents.